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  • Deploy multiple Docker containers using Github Actions and Heroku

    DockerDocker ComposeHerokuGithub ActionsFullstack - Client Side RenderingCI/CD

    It is very common to deploy apps using CI/CD (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery). Actually, depending on which cloud application platform provider you use

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  • Create an ascending and descending sort function


    You will often see on many sites containing some sort of list or table, that it is organised in a particular order, could be by title order, name order or even

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  • How to create a controlled form component with React-Typescript


    It is always tricky when creating forms, especially when it is a large form. You have to configure your inputs you want the user to insert but also be able to collect

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  • Create timestamp in SQL format

    JavascriptSQLRegular Expression

    Sometimes the client side has to produce the date of the user interaction before sending it to the server api. And sometimes they have to format the date and time

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  • Create an Axios instance

    JavascriptAxiosREST API

    If you are into programming, then you will likely have heard of DRY (don' repeat yourself). Basically, writing the same code repeatedly can be quite tedious. And it

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  • Create a React HOC scaffold


    React components are the most common function you will use. I doubt you will be able to get much done without it. But there are occasions when you want to implement

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  • Most common HTML entities you will use


    When writing in HTML, you have to follow the conventional tag structure and its keyword characters, and the same goes along with some other framework languages too,

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  • Capitalise the first character of a word


    There are some occasions when we will need to capitalise on the first character of a word. Mostly, capitalising names is the most commonly used. But regardless of what

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  • Create a dictionary object with Typescript interface


    When using Typescript, you sometimes have to define the type of value for any variables. Most of the time, Typescript is smart enough to know what the type is, but

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  • Parse SQL timestamp

    JavascriptSQLRegular Expression

    If you regularly collect api data from the server, you might sometimes notice something peculiar when gathering the date data. The date value could appear as 2021-06-01T11:08:01.000Z.

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